Presenting Pilot Mountain to King Jesus

A "LLI Fellowship" Outreach Vision

"We begin with prayer!" 


We are launching a prayer campaign for 2024 and beyond to carry forward

the mission to give Pilot Mountain back to King Jesus. He owns this mountain

so we claim it for Him in our time with our faith-filled words and prayers.

No matter what happens in our efforts we know for certain that the future of

Pilot Mountain is held in the Hands of Our Lord at His Glorious Return.

The Lord wants to unify His people around the truth


Scan this code to offer a gift for this holy endeavor:

We thank you for your faith-filled gift

Any gift offered to this endeavor is given to Holy Spirit 

for the work of Spreading the message of Hope found 

only in the Gospel of Jesus Christ


A look at our town and our mountain

 Pilot Mountain is one of the most unique mountains ever formed by the hand of our God.  The native Americans fought over supremacy of the mountain.  The Cherokee native Americans named the mountain "Jomeokee" referring to its unique shape and usefulness as a guide to the traveler. The enemy of our souls has over the centuries sought to use our mountain as a place to cast spells of division, marital infidelity as well as the promotion of false religion but now are reversing that curse and changing our mountain and community into a place of blessing.

A prophetic declaration over Pilot Mountain - June 22, 2024

A Heavenly witness and a weather miracle - July 22, 2006

that set the stage for what we are doing in 2024 and beyond

Our heart desire is to turn the tide of wickedness and worldliness from our region starting with Pilot Mountain.

The Spirit of the Lord has led us to put our schools first on our prayer list. In the 2nd place we are putting our town leaders into the hands of the Almighty.

Our goal is to bring our town to a place of submission to the Kingly authority of Jesus through the proclamation of the Glorious Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom


We are asking our Surry County school board to put the Bible and prayer back

in our county schools and it will happen officially in 2025

Only 2 groups of people on the earth

"Those who fear God and those who don't"

Regional  Transformation

Please watch this presentation on the miracle of city and regional transformation using the means of public prayer

The Hebrides Revival in Scotland 1949