Restore Pilot Mountain
"Are you ready for God's Restoration of all things?"
The meek shall inherit the earth
2024 Strategy for Spiritual Renewal
Raise up four committed prayer warriors to pray regularly for each of our three public schools and for our town hall which includes our police department.
Send out teams of students to sell ticket packages for our music and prayer event.
Pilot Mountain Elementary School
Pilot Mountain Middle School
East Surry High School
Our Town Hall
The town of Pilot Mountain
Revival starts with prayers of agreement of 2 or 3
Father, in the name of Jesus, we have received grace, power and supernatural ability to see spiritual things as they truly are through the blood of Jesus Christ. We have received Your might because the Holy Spirit has come upon us by faith in Your Son, Yahshua, this faith is a heavenly seed of eternal life in our mortal bodies thus we are Your eyewitnesses of Your Kingdom in Pilot Mountain and in Surry County as well as your witnesses to the end of the earth.
We now testify of your powerful bodily Resurrection with the belief that miracles, signs, and wonders will follow us all the days of our life to bring boundless glory to Your Everlasting Name. The same Holy Spirit that was poured out on the Day of Pentecost. That same Holy Spirit which brought conviction of sin on those Jewish people who murdered Your Son and their Messiah, Yahshua. "It is finished" was His Cry on the Cross thus we now move forward with Your Kingdom message by virtue of His completed work of cancelling our sin debt and the sin debts of our region and granting us all the blessings of the New Covenant in His Blood.
So in Your Name we confidently and boldly draw near to Your Throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace in these days of contention with every form of spiritual darkness, so we are in deep need of Your aid to support us in every physical and spiritual need that is appropriate and right, so that Your purposes will arrive with an undeniable heavenly anointing and with understanding and wisdom to ascertain the way of Your providential timing, as we seek to learn how to pray for all of these things in accordance with Your Perfect Will.
We understand that we rightly deserve to be punished by your righteous judgments, many times we have sinned against your Great Kindness to us, your children made in Your glorious image, yet creatures of the dust. We confess our weakness in knowing Your holiness and purity in a real and understandable fashion. We forgive anyone who has sinned against us. We ask that you would take away from any ill feelings toward those who have hurt us in the past. Like your servant Stephen declared as he was being stoned by His Jewish brethren, "Lord, do not charge them for this sin"
As we consider the faith our forefathers which has been bequeathed to us by their example shown to us in the Your Holy Word, we ask that you heal our souls from any emotional wounds caused by our life decisions and our interaction with fellow sinners in this world. Father help us move on to a place of complete forgiveness for they, our fellow humans, do not know what they do.
We ask You for a fresh outpouring of Your Great mercy and lovingkindness to the inhabitants of Pilot Mountain and the surrounding region. With certain knowledge in our heart of hearts that our souls are cleansed by Your power and that You have forever washed away our iniquities and our vain idolatries from our eternal account, this day we stand perfect in Your holy presence.
Father, thank you for sending forth Your Son to establish Your commandments on and in the earth. We know your Word can move very swiftly throughout the Pilot Mountain region if we are faithful to proclaim Your word and declare the whole counsel of your Word, we have learned throughout history if you are lifted up You will draw men unto Yourself. We believe Your Word will prosper and spread as we faithfully share your truth to our neighbors and friends as You open doors of opportunity in our everyday lives here in Pilot Mountain and Surry County.
Father, You see the region and the cultural strongholds that hinder the Gospel. You told us to declare your works to the children of men and to set the captives free. Thus we boldly proclaim that the prince of the power of the air, the god of this world who blinds the unbeliever's minds, is a defeated foe. Today we ask for Divine miracles to break the yoke of unbelief in our people.
We declare on the authority of Your word that You have already disarmed these demonic 2nd heaven powers and authorities, and that You have made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them at the cross. You have told us in the Your word that we, through Your Name, are able to pull down these dark strongholds, so today, we pull down the stronghold of false religion, false worship of demons, licentiousness, lawlessness, as well as the demonic stupefaction and blindness that hold our people in spiritual darkness. We beg You dear Father to pull the scales off their eyes in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Holy Spirit, we ask You to visit our town and open the spiritual eyes of our people, so that they may turn from darkness to light, and from their foolish idols to serve the Living God, so that they may receive forgiveness and release from the dark force of the ancient curses upon our land and region.
That our leaders, pastors, and fathers would seek a permanent city whose builder and maker is God. To be counted among those who are consecrated and purified by faith in Jesus and who are making themselves ready for Your Glorious Return to Earth. You said in Your Word that the “pure in heart” shall see God. And in another place your Word says, "All who have this hope purify themselves even as You are pure". so indeed Magnify Your Name with mighty signs and wonders that will heal our land and bring awe and righteous attention to Your Omnipotent Throne above us. Your Name is a Name far above all other names that are worshiped by the sons of men, so please give us Your Favor in this hour.
Father, we pray for deliverance and salvation for those who are following the course and fashion of this world, who are under the sway and lifestyle of this present age and who are following the prince of the power of the air. Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Father, we boldly declare that the prince of the power of the air, the god of this world who blinds the unbeliever's minds is a defeated foe and who is under Your feet. For we, Your People, sit with you on heavenly thrones thus we have been made the head and not the tail. All your enemies, every earthly throne will be brought under your Feet and then you will come back and reign for 1000 years in perfect righteousness. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem, Your Holy City, that you have foreordained be established as Your dwelling place here on Your earth.
Today We declare again by the authority of Your Word that, You have, in past tense, disarmed the power and authorities of darkness, and You made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by virtue of the shed blood of Your Son Yahshua on the cross – all these realities we embrace for our region”.
So We Thank You, Father in advance, for the spread of Your Kingdom message given to us in the Gospel.
Thank You, Father, for all the guardian angels assigned to this place on earth and those who will come and fight for us in the heavenly realm. We call on them at this critical time to help us. In the name of Jesus, we stand victorious over the principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places over our region. We now engage our enemy from the holy hill of Zion.
We ask the Holy Spirit to sweep through the political, educational, governmental, and through the heads of families that make up the gates of our area and convince the people (mainly the fathers) to take their rightful and exclusive place as leaders of their homes and as critical messengers of Your truth to our people.
Bring to us clear and mighty demonstrations of Your Might to encourage us to understand the gravity of our current spiritual situation regarding the exceeding sinfulness of sin and then show us the abounding greatness of Your perfect righteousness, which will create in us a clean heart and right standing with God so that we may enter your holy hill in Zion. We believe Your Word when it says that the "pure in heart" and good intention may enter your holy hill in Zion.
For those of us Father who have entered and are entering the holy hill in Zion, we come with clean hands and a pure heart, we are those who hate lies and love truth, as You have said to us in Your Word, “I know the thoughts and plans that I have for the “remnant” of Israel in the last days, these are thoughts and plans for peace, and not for evil, to give us hope in Your victory over "evil". For Your truth and Your Love always triumph over every form of evil we observe in the earth.
It is from the lofty position of this High and Holy Hill that we war with Our enemies which are your enemies as well as ours, and it is from this position we take authority over all these demonic entities and their partners in crime, evil men and woman who to do the bidding of hell. So in turn, we love what you love and we hate what you hate.
So By virtue of Your blessing and Your influence on the prayers of righteous men and women, which your Word says, prevail much, and under Your favor of every spiritual blessing that these blessings would rest on our area, we today, Exalt in Your Name here in Pilot Mountain and our region and we boldly ask Your blessing to fall on us in very way. Amen.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, 5 having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.
7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace 8 which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, 9 having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, 10 that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him. 11 In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, 12 that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.
13 In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.
15 Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, 16 do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.
22 And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.
Prayer to break all the curses and lies over your life
In the MIGHTY name of Jesus Christ EMMANUEL I now rebuke, break and loose from me, my family, The Revelations of Livin Lattes Fellowship and the entire body of Christ, and all of our friends and family members that are able to be saved from any curses operating through spoken words, chants, written words, symbols, diagrams, charms, vexes, hexes, spells, omens, jinxes, psychic powers, mind control, the carnal mind, roots, root working, voodooism, obeah, black and white magic, sorcery, potions, superstitions, astrology, false religions and their doctrines,
in the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke and break all hypnosis, all kinds of fortune-telling, séance, necromancy, stealing, swindling, seductions, murder, spiritism, spiritualism, channeling, spirit guides, cannibalism, talisman, will control, will worship, divinations, shamanism, demonic prognostications, bewitchments, enchantments, conjurations, incantations, all witchcraft, witchcraft control, spirit of Jezebel, spirit of Ahab, spirit of confusion, spirit of error, sodomite spirits, psychic prayers, soulish prayers, powders, candles, incense, touch stones, power objects, astral projection, Eckankar, the Cabbalah, third eye, curses of sickness and disease; all marriage breaking curses and spirits…
in the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke and break All curses against homes/families/children; all curses against jobs, business, transportation, employment, finances, all curses causing accidents, all curses over church property in Pilot Mountain, all curses over the finances of the church (gifts, tithes, offerings, pledges, etc.); all curses causing members to be late/never on time , for church related activities, all curses against prayer and fasting, all curses against musicians, praise and worship leaders, all curses against the teaching/preaching ministry of the church; all curses against healing/deliverance in the church; all curses of disunity. strife, gossip, all criticism, and confusion; all curses causing jealousy, envy, selfishness and competition among the members of the church; all curses of rejection, abandonment, pride, fear, laziness, insecurity, all curses against church growth and outreach to new converts and members; all curses against the intercessory prayer ministry of the church preventing the members from praying, interceding and doing spiritual warfare,
All curses causing rebellion against proper authority in the home and in the church; all curses of matriarchal control that has been put upon and/or sent against the body of Christ, and all of our friends and family members that are able to be saved, from any person or persons, cults, occult or psychic sources and from any connected or related demons, fallen angels, prince of darkness.
IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST AND BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, I break all these curses & spells and I cancel all assignments of any demons, fallen angels, spiritual wickedness in high places that have been sent against me, my family, against the body of Christ, and all of our friends and family members that are able to be saved. I cancel the force of every word and prediction spoken against us whether intentionally or carelessly that was not according to God’s promised blessings. And any words spoken out of me or over me that was a curse, a stumbling block & contrary to the will of GOD…I erase and nullify the words and the effects of the words right now!
I break all curses against me, my family and the body of Christ according to Galatians 3:13 (Jesus became a curse for me on the cross) and Colossians 2:14 (Jesus blotted out the handwriting of ordinances which were against me, nailing them to the cross). I do all this by the authority of Jesus Christ (Luke 10:19, Mark 16:17) and by the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF YESHUA MESSIAH JESUS THE ALMIGHTY I DECLARE EVERY CURSE, SPELL, FORCES OF EVIL, POWERS OF DARKNESS BROKEN OFF OF MY LIFE now!!! I rebuke and break everything and anything that is from the kingdom of satan whether known or unknown!! BY FAITH & THROUGH GRACE I BELIEVE IT IS DONE!
Through the blood of Jesus Christ, I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil. Through the blood of Jesus Christ all my sins are forgiven. Through the blood of Jesus Christ, I am justified, made righteous, just as if I had never sinned. Through the blood of Jesus Christ, I am sanctified, made holy, set apart for God and His service.
Amen, so be it.
Turning our mountain into a Mountain of Blessing for all people
Our mouth was made to bless not to curse